Publié le 18-05-2024

POLITICAL RETURN OF THE COJEP AT THE FÉLIX HOUPHOUËT BOIGNY FOUNDATION OF YAMOUSSOUKRO The Minister, Governor, Doctor Augustin THIAM, went to the political start of the Pan-African Youth Congress for Justice and Equality of Peoples (COJEP), on Sunday, May 12, 2024. He thus responded to the invitation of Charles Blé GOUDÉ, the president of the said party. The ceremony was held in the 2000-seat room of the Félix Houphouët-Boigny Foundation in Yamoussoukro in the presence of a delegation from the PDCI-RDA, the FPI, the MGC and several national and international political figures such as Sacko BOGA, president of FIDOP, Pulchérie GBALET president of the ACI and Serge MATOMBA, president of PURS in Cameroon. COJEP's political re-entry was structured around several speeches, a delivery of kits of COJEP normative documents and performances by artists. In his speech, the Minister and Governor welcomed the speeches of Charles Blé Goudé who has advocated peace, reconciliation and unity since his return from The Hague. These words are part of the vision of President Alassane Ouattara who wants a united and peaceful Ivory Coast. This is a sine qua non condition for attracting investors who are essential players in the development of Côte d'Ivoire. Furthermore, Dr Augustin THIAM expressed his respect to COJEP before noting the advantage of having several currents of political thought in Côte d'Ivoire in these terms: 《It is from the confrontation of our ideas that truths can be born beneficial to our youth and our country. The Minister and Governor then encouraged political actors to favor peace speeches and debates of ideas rather than human debates. He expressed his desire to see the young generation in the country's governing bodies. Speaking about the CEI, Dr Augustin THIAM affirmed that in a democratic country, there is none. The President of COJEP, Charles Blé GOUDÉ, expressed his desire to bring together the Ivorians. This is also the slogan he gave to his activists and sympathizers: 《Never associate your name with an action that can destabilize Côte d'Ivoire. 》
Information note on the feast of the Ascension of May 07, 2018