Publié le 22-10-2024
YAMOUSSOUKRO: APPROPRIATION WORKSHOP OF THE DELEGATED PROJECT MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION SYSTEM (MOD) RELATING TO YOUTH INTEGRATION PROJECTS IN THE TERRITORY AS PART OF THE PEJEDEC PHASE 3 PROJECT With the aim of raising awareness among elected officials and territorial executives involved in Delegated Project Management (MOD); ensure them a good appropriation of the issues of this system and the modalities of its deployment and allow effective individual and collective mobilization for a successful implementation, this Monday, October 21, 2024, a workshop was held on appropriation of the implementation system. implementation of the Delegated Project Management (MOD) relating to the integration of young people in the territory of Yamoussoukro.
Adopted by the Ministry of Youth Promotion, Professional Integration and Civic Service through the Office for the Coordination of Employment Programs (BCP-Emploi), the World Bank and the French Development Agency (AFD) in link with the Assembly of Regions and Districts of Côte d'Ivoire (ARDCI), Delegated Project Management is part of a decentralized approach to the integration of young people. It draws on lessons learned from the implementation and the pilot phase, in particular: -a decentralized approach to the integration of young people, making it possible to increase the effectiveness of local interventions with local actors and beneficiaries; -respect for the financial commitments of local authorities; -Lay the foundations for sustainability etc. 119 participants are expected at this workshop.
The Autonomous District of Yamoussoukro was strongly represented by Mr. ANON Léopold, Director of Cabinet, the Minister, Governor, the Director General of Administration, Mr. Anicet KOUASSI, the 5th Vice-Governor and the political referent Mr. Félix KOUASSI, the Coordinator of the District Project Unit, Mr. Jean-Pierre ASSOUMOU, the Deputy Director of Communications, Mrs. N'ZI Ahou Adèle, and the Research Officer in the Office of the Minister, Governor, Mr. Joël Konan KOFFI. Mr. Léopold Florent ANON, Representing the Minister Governor, Doctor Augustin THIAM, who in turn represented the President of the ARDCI, Doctor Eugène Aka AOUELE, thus carrying the image of two personalities. At his side Mr TOUALY HERMANN Coordinator of BCP-Emploi and the Representative of the Minister of Youth Promotion, Professional Integration and Civic Service, Mr TANOH CASIMIR, Technical Advisor. “The objective of this workshop is twofold. On the one hand, it is a question of understanding and fully appropriating the Delegated Project Management system. On the other hand, it is a question of strengthening cooperation and coordination within local authorities in the implementation of these projects,” said Mr. Léopold Florent ANON.
He continues by wishing, on behalf of the MINISTER, GOVERNOR, of the Autonomous District of Yamoussoukro, Doctor Augustin THIAM, a cordial and warm welcome to all participants. The Director of Cabinet of the Minister, Governor, after wishing fruitful exchanges to all participants, declared the workshop open. Mr. TOUALY HERMANN, Coordinator of BCP-Employment, in his speech gave the history of PEJEDEC, talking about the results obtained and the challenges encountered during the implementation of PEJEDEC, thus showing the interest in this workshop on the appropriation of the MOD (Delegated Project Management). A communication was made on the MOD system by Mr. TOASSA CESAR, Deputy Coordinator of BCP-Emploi. It covered four (04) major points including: - the presentation of PEJEDEC; - the presentation of the MOD module; - capitalization; - the perspectives of the MOD. It should be noted that the Workshop will continue until tomorrow, Tuesday October 22, 2024, with a view to achieving better ownership of the Delegated Project Management implementation system
Information note on the feast of the Ascension of May 07, 2018