
Publié le 20-11-2023

3rd Meeting of the Supervision Committee of the Yamoussoukro Lakes Rehabilitation Project

This Friday, November 17, 2023 from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. a working session of the Steering Committee followed by a visit to the lake rehabilitation works took place in the hall of honor of the Félix Houphouët Boigny Foundation in Yamoussoukro.

The session was chaired by Mr. ASSAHORE Konan Jacques, Minister of the Environment and Sustainable Development. The agenda covered some information, the reminder of the project, the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, the status of execution of the 2023 project, the difficulties and solutions then the miscellaneous.

Taking part in this meeting were the Chief of Staff, Mr. André Martin KAKOU, representing the Minister Governor Augustin THIAM, the Regional Prefect, Mr. Coulibaly GANDO, the Project Coordinator and Director of the Ivorian Antipollution Center (CIAPOL) Mr. YAPO Ossey Bernard , Mr. Alyman KOUASSI, Director of the Environment of the Autonomous District of Yamoussoukro, the Chief of Staff of the Minister Governor, Mr. KOUADIO Raphaël, the Advisor Mr. ANON Léopold and the collaborators of the Minister of the Environment from Abidjan.

After the discussions on the agenda, a few points were retained:

- The establishment of an integrated management policy for the Yamoussoukro lakes;

- the temporary ban on fishing in lakes by a decree from the Mayor or the Prefect;

- the Rehabilitation project ends in December 2023, but the lakes will be maintained during the CAN.

After the meeting, there was a visit to the lakes with all the participants. Yamoussoukro is home to around twenty lakes but only 15 lakes are interconnected. After touring a few lakes, the tour ended with lunch.